The Home of the Brumbaughs
Tommy and Rachel's Wedding

Michael Runs Baltimore Marathon

Running in Richmond

Michael Runs VA Beach

Don and Kathie 30 Years Ago

A Tribute to Mom

Steve Arnold (in Memoriam)

For Linda don @  katbrumbaugh @
Ireland Kathie's 50th Birthday Cruise ItalyFrance Upstate New York Sampler
IrelandCaribean CruiseTuscanyNormandy
Upstate New York
Champlain Fench Atlantic West Coast FloridaGreat Allegheny Passage / Chesapeake and Ohio Trails Burlington VT 2014 ETR
Lake ChamplainFrench West Coast
FloridaPittsburgh to Washington DC Burlington
PugliaWestern OhioCataloniaVermont Tandem Tour Lombardy

EPIC Ireland